Crown Royal Xo Canadian Whisky, 750 ml

Crown Royal Xo Canadian Whisky, 750 ml - 750 Millilitre



Unwind in luxury with a glass of Crown Royal XO Blended Canadian Whisky. Balanced with hints of vanilla, spice and rich dried fruit, our XO whisky is blended with our finest whiskies and finished in cognac casks. Made with the signature smoothness of traditional Crown Royal, our whisky is matured to perfection and will enhance any cocktail party or celebration. Simply serve in a chilled glass for a refreshing tasting whisky neat. Crown Royal XO Blended Canadian Whisky earned a gold medal at the 2021 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. Please drink responsibly. Balanced with hints of vanilla, spice and rich dried fruit for a refined flavor
Product Number: 00082000003823

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Unwind in luxury with a glass of Crown Royal XO Blended Canadian Whisky. Balanced with hints of vanilla, spice and rich dried fruit, our XO whisky is blended with our finest whiskies and finished in cognac casks. Made with the signature smoothness of traditional Crown Royal, our whisky is matured to perfection and will enhance any cocktail party or celebration. Simply serve in a chilled glass for a refreshing tasting whisky neat. Crown Royal XO Blended Canadian Whisky earned a gold medal at the 2021 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. Please drink responsibly. Balanced with hints of vanilla, spice and rich dried fruit for a refined flavor
Product Number: 00082000003823

Often bought with

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