Barefoot Cellars Sweet Red Blend Red Wine 1.5L - 1.5 Litre
Barefoot Sweet Red Blend Red Wine features explosive notes of raspberry, plum and cherry. With a delicious combination of Zinfandel, Pinot Noir, Barbera, Grenache and Petite Sirah, this Barefoot wine offers a smooth, soft finish. This California wine is best served chilled. This larger 1.5 L wine bottle contains two 750 mL bottles of wine, making it perfect for entertaining or enjoying with a group of friends. This sweet wine comes from Barefoot, the most awarded wine brand in US competitions. Let's get Barefoot.Product Number: 00085000018682
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Barefoot Sweet Red Blend Red Wine features explosive notes of raspberry, plum and cherry. With a delicious combination of Zinfandel, Pinot Noir, Barbera, Grenache and Petite Sirah, this Barefoot wine offers a smooth, soft finish. This California wine is best served chilled. This larger 1.5 L wine bottle contains two 750 mL bottles of wine, making it perfect for entertaining or enjoying with a group of friends. This sweet wine comes from Barefoot, the most awarded wine brand in US competitions. Let's get Barefoot.Product Number: 00085000018682
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